Shipping, Returns, & Warranty
Shipping Policy
Domestic Shipping Policy:
All orders within the United States qualify for free standard shipping of 3-5 business days. Once your order is placed, please allow one business day for processing. We ship using United States Postal Service (USPS). If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact our customer service for further assistance.
International Shipping Policy:
For our valued international customers, please note that a shipping fee will be included in your purchase. The exact fee may vary based on your location. We aim to process international orders as swiftly as possible, but please be aware that shipping times and customs processes may vary depending on your country. If you have concerns or questions about your international order, don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service team.
Missing Package?
Once your order has been shipped to the address provided, we are not responsible for any issues related to non-delivery or packages marked as delivered. If you realize a mistake in your shipping information upon purchase, please reach out ASAP to our support team. We will try our best, but we cannot guarantee any remedies if the order has already been shipped.
If you encounter any problems or concerns regarding the delivery of your order, we kindly request that you reach out to the designated carrier to resolve the matter. Please be aware that we will not be able to issue refunds or credits for packages marked as delivered, as the responsibility lies with the carrier.
Return Policy
At AISO, we pride ourselves on delivering premier paddles, yet we understand that individual needs and preferences might vary.
Should you wish to return a purchase, you will have 30 calendar days starting from the day you receive your item. For a full refund, ensure that the item is unused, retains its original packaging (including the plastic wrap), and is accompanied by all its accessories. If the returned item isn't in a condition fit for resale, a restocking fee may apply. Regrettably, items deemed non-resalable will not be accepted for return.
Please note that customers are responsible for the shipping costs for any returns or exchanges, and these costs are non-refundable.
Once we receive your return, please allow 3-5 business days for inspection and processing. Upon approval, you can expect your refund to be issued within the next 7 business days. If applicable, shipping fees paid at time of purchase are not refundable. Full refunds only include the cost of the product itself.
Please send an email to to initiate your return with the following information:
- Subject line indicating a return
- Reason for your return
- Proof of purchase with your order number and order date
Warranty Policy
AISO paddles come with a 90 day warranty from date of purchase. Any issues deemed as a manufacturing defect will be qualified for a new replacement paddle free of charge.
While we stand by the quality of our paddles, there are certain situations where the warranty will not apply. These include:
- General wear and tear over time or due to regular play
- Mishandling or neglect of the paddle.
- Any alterations or modifications made post-purchase.
- Discoloration or fading of the paddle's design.
- Hitting paddles against objects other than intended pickleball, such as collisions with the ground or other equipment.
- Claims made from non-original owners or from unauthorized platforms and unofficial avenues (Craigslist, Facebook Market Place, Ebay)
Upon making a claim and receiving confirmation of product receipt by Aiso, we kindly request your patience as our team verifies the reported issues. Please allow 3-5 business days for our thorough examination and assessment.
If your purchase is eligible for a warranty claim, please send an email to with the following information:
- Details of your warranty claim
- Supporting documentation (pictures, video, etc)
- Proof of purchase with your order number and order date